The methodology is simple: Inspire-Engage-Transform (the Golden Circle Theory):
- Provide Self-Exploration Track/Support at Workplace: We usually would provide a lot of hard skills or soft skills to employees on further development or as part of employee benefits, but we rarely communicate with them on how does company vision, mission and values translate as their own language at their position and serves their own purpose.
- Establish Co-Building Culture: Both of employer and employees still has the concept of ‘company + employee’ set up for the traditional work relationship while the world is shifting to ‘individuals + Platform’ model due to the development of technology as well as the era of Gen Z become the major force at workplace.
- Impact Education: Impact education is not only important for contributing building ESG culture at workplace but also providing individuals opportunity to learn more their roles and their bigger purpose as a co-builder at workplace and as a global citizen.
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