Since 2018 50% more people have had to flee their home countries. Currently, more than 103 million are forced to displace – this is 1% of the world population (source UNHCR).
When you look at a refugee what do you see? Which pictures are coming to your mind? A neighbour? A customer? A potential co-worker?
If especially the last one is not coming to your mind, you might miss an important key to your company’s development and success.
At Ingka Group we´ve committed to support 2.500 refugees by the end of 2023. Our goal is to improve their skills – inside and outside of our business (e.g., Language skills, forklift licence…).
Therefore, we have implemented our “skills for employment” initiative in 24 countries. We developed our process and created a toolkit over the years, including learnings, which we would like to share to inspire. In Austria we have started with our “skills for employment” project in 2020. How did we get it started? This is what I would like to share with all of you.
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