The methodology is simple: Inspire-Engage-Transform (the Golden Circle Theory) and how we recruit and motivate volunteers to self-motivate themselves working on a shared mission with community.
What three things participants can takeaway in 50mins
- A quick way to find out personal mission: most of time we do what the society is asking us to do or we just follow the main stream. We never had a chance to think about what our true passion and personal mission for. Following by a short list of questions to help participants to have some ideas on what their passion is.
- Identify the Sweetspot by Ikagi framework: What you are good at, what you love, what the world needs and what you get paid for. By dividing group into 10 groups with 6-7ppl per groups to have immersive experience in building a group mission and personal mission and by applying Ikagi framework to serve both personal and group mission is a great way to practice the methodology and mindset they will later apply at work place or in life.
- A new mindset: It’s all about co-building culture not only for workplace but also for the society. By following the interactive and immersive community building exercise like a social entrepreneur can experience mindset shifting from employees to ownership mindset and develop a meta view in looking at everying in life.
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